Shonen class changes!!
After much discussion, the yudansha and Mickey Sensei, have decided starting Monday, May 4th we will have a shonen class for students ages 12-17. Knowing that homework schedules can be hectic, this class start with the adults at 7:45 and will end by 8:45. Students are also welcome to stay and complete the remainder of the adult class. During this class, we will be reviewing more advanced techniques such as chokes. Please feel free to see either Mickey Sensei or Brianna Matsuura if you have any questions.
Nanka Legends Clinic, Saturday, April 18th 10am-1pm
This $25 clinic, (which includes lunch) will feature the techniques of some of the best judo in Southern California. Our very own Seino Sensei will be teaching! Do not miss this opportunity. Click here for further details.
Ogden Judo Open Scrimmage, Sunday, April 26th There is a $30 entrance fee (which includes lunch) for this scrimmage in Bellflower. Click here for additional information.
CJI Championships May 9th and 10th at Cerritos College
We are lucky that a regional tournament is so close-by! Click here for registration forms. Your registration packet must be postmarked by May 1st in order to qualify for early weigh-ins at the dojo on Thursday, May 7th.
65th Anniversary Tournament Planning meeting, TONIGHT @ 7pm
Please join the planning committees to see how you can help get involved. Save the date for Sunday, March 13th, 2016!
Board meeting, Wednesday, April 15th, 7pm
All members are welcome. Please reply to this email if you have any items that need to be brought to the board's attention.
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