Our Senseis

Mickey Matsumoto, 7th Dan, Head Sensei

Low Dong, 6th Dan, Assistant Head Sensei

Hal Sharp, 9th Dan, Technical Advisor (deceased)

Tosh Seino, 8th Dan, Technical Advisor

Hayward Nishioka, 9th Dan, Distinguished Guest Technical Advisor

Mickey Matsumoto, 7th Dan

2009 USA Judo Senior Nationals
World Police and Fireman's Games: 5 time Gold Medalist and 2015 Silver Medalist

Low Dong

Recommended for Honorary IJF B Referee License
Pan American Conference Referee C License
Judo Greats Selection and hand painted 4ft x 4ft portriat
International Coach License
USA Judo Teachers Certification Class A
USA Judo Kata B Licenses for Nage no kata, Katame no kata and Kodokan Goshinjutsu
CPR and First Aid Certified

1996 Olympic Games, 100th Anniversary, Judo Competition, Statistician
Chiba Japan and Paris France, World Judo Championships, Videographor for USA Judo
2008 USA Judo Olympic Games Judo Trials, CARE System Videographor
2010-11 Miami Florida World Cup Judo Championships, Technical Official
2010-11 Miami Florida USA Judo Open Championships, Technical Official
2010 Miami Florida Pan American Judo Championships, Technical Official
2011 IJF Grand Masters Judo Championship, Frankfurt Germany, Referee
2012 IJF Grand Masters Judo Championship, Miami, Florida, USA, Referee
2015 Special Olympics World Games, Judo Information Supervisor at UCLA
2016 USA Judo International Youth Championships, Technical Official, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2016 IJF World Veterans Championships, Tech Official/Staff, Ft Lauderdale, FL

1998-2010 World Masters Athlete Judo Championships:
          Kata Judge and Recorder: nage no kata, katame no kata and goshinjutsu
          Masters Competitor: 1 gold medal, 2 silver medals and 6 bronze medals
Pan American Masters Judo Championships: 1 gold medal
USA Judo Open Masters Championships: 4 gold medals
1992-2012 USA Judo SR Nationals Masters Championships: 18 gold medals, 2 silver medals
1968-69 Southeastern Collegiate Judo Championships: 2 gold medals

Newaza Video with Toshitaku Okada Sensei

Training: USAF (Alamogordo New Mexico and Homestead, Florida), Miami Dade Community College, UCLA and Gardena Judo Club

World Masters Athlete Judo Association: Former Executive Officer and former Technical Officer
USJF: Athlete Scholar of the Year Committee Member, Strategic Planning Comittee Member, Finance Committee former Member, Ad hoc Promotion Board former Member
Nanka Yudanshakai: USJF Board of Examiners and Board of Directors Representative, Hall of Fame nominee, former SR Board of Examiner Secretary, former JR Board of Examiners Chairman, former Treasurer and Auditor

Over 50 years in judo and over 37 years at Gardena Judo Club

Hal Sharp

9th Degree Black Belt
Hal Sharp: Masters Magazine Article
Hal Sharp resume 2009

Toshiyuki “Tosh” Seino

 Started Judo in July 1956 at Denver Judo Club.  Moved to Los Angeles in October 1956 and resumed Judo training at Hollywood Dojo in January 1957.

Competed first time in 1959 U.S. National Championship (AAU) representing So. Calif.  and placed 3rd in 70kgs.

October 1959, enlisted in the United States Air Force and was stationed at Davis- Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ. as the Self Defense Instructor until discharged in June 1964.

During 1960 to 1964 while serving in the Air Force, he won 5 first places in 70kgs and 5 Overall Grand Championship in the U.S. Armed Forces Tournament not losing a single match in his weight class and Overall Grand Championships.

U.S. National Championship (AAU)
First         1960, 1961, 1963, 1965
Second    1962, 1964, 1966, 1970
Third        1959, 1968

Pan American Game
Gold         1963
Silver        1967
World Judo Championship : 4th place   1965 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and 1967 (Salt Lake City, UT)

1964 U.S. Olympic Team alternate

Shodan     1958
Nidan        1958
Sandan      1959
Yodan        1963
Godan       1972
Rokudan   1999
Shichidan  2010
Hachidan   2016

Head Sensei:  Apr. 1973----Dec. 1978     Harbor Dojo, Harbor City, CA

Hayward Nishioka

9th Degree Black Belt
Continuous involvement in judo since 1954.
US Champion in 1965,66,70
US Grand Champion 1965
Pan Am Champion Games Gold Medalist 1967
5th place World Championships 1967
US International "A" level coach
Coached US International Judo Teams
IJF International "A" level referee
Refereed Internationally
Published author of four books on judo.
Published in various periodicals over 150 articles on physical
education and the martial arts.
Produced and directed over 20 video productions on judo.
Two Masters Degree from California State University at Los Angeles.
California State University Outstanding Alumni Award 1988
Professor of Health and Kinesiology at Los Angeles City College since 1975
2 time Black Belt Hall of Fame award

Hal Sharp, Tosh Seino, Hayward Nishioka

Tribute to Sam Akioka Sensei: GJC novice kids instructors for 35+ years!